Emergency medicine is defined as a medical specialty that involves treating sick children and adults with severe injuries or injuries that require immediate care and treatment. It is not based on continuing treatment or continuing treatment, as the emergency doctor provides immediate treatment to the affected patient without going through with the patient or following up on his condition in the long run.
The Department of Emergency Medicine includes many areas of medicine and general surgery, including subspecialties, as the mission of the emergency department doctors lies in seeing a large number of patients and dealing with their medical conditions, unless they are transferred to the specialized department to complete their treatment or until their condition improves. Emergency medicine requires broad general knowledge in many areas in addition to mastering high skills such as surgery skills, the ability to deal with cases that require resuscitation and extensive knowledge of heart and breathing diseases, dealing with cases of cardiac arrest, the ability to deal with deep wounds and know a method Sewn, dealing with pregnant women and emergency situations during pregnancy such as vaginal bleeding. In addition to knowledge of dealing with X-ray machines and knowledge of dealing with bone fractures